“And So You’re Gone” – which I will connect to once published – is a tribute to my fellow poet and friend Sean who died suddenly last year. He is missed by friends and his dear family. I remember fondly calling out to him for a chat and I am grateful for his advice.
Whenever I came to him with a problem he had an answer. It was always clear and always delivered like a boom from a cannon. He was a generous supporter of me leaving Ireland to be with Grace in New York. Then he’d laugh and remind me of how we were when we first met – he was 10 and I was 13 then. It is hard to believe this world continues to turn without him.
So here is the man himself in a film made to launch his dream book of poetry – The Beach Beckons. Thank you to Ice Boy Films for making him feel like a star again. Sometimes I can still hear him shout “Walk towards the light! For fuck’s sake just walk towards the light.”
Boyne Berries is one of Ireland’s treasured journals and you can find out more by visiting their blog here. Boyne Berries Blog.